
TPX Lands on the Cover of FREESKIER Magazine

Congratulations to Nic Allegre, Nick McNutt and the Teton Gravity Research Crew for scoring the FREESKIER cover with us in Palmer, Alaska!
Tucker Patton

Congratulations to Nic Allegre, Nick McNutt and the Teton Gravity Research Crew for scoring the FREESKIER cover with us in Palmer, Alaska! There is no bigger accomplishment for an athlete and photographer to line up and land the cover a publication.

We couldn’t be more stoked to share this shot from last years Alaska season in the Northern Chugach. It takes an unfathomable amount of skill, time, dedication and persistence for skier @nickmcnutt and master sniper @nicalegre to line up for a shot like this. It was a pleasure to host the @tetongravity crew and it's humbling to see the hard work show up in places like the cover of @freeskiermagazine.

​Watch the entire Winterland clip of the Palmer Alaska segment, shot on location with Triple Point Expeditions below.

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